integrated quality and environmental policy

The Insitito Ferial de Vigo (IFEVI) is a Foundation of Galician interest whose purpose is to allocate and affect an asset to the realization, on a non-profit basis, of general purposes of Galician interest in the sectoral area to which its name and purposes are contracted. In general, the aims of this Foundation are the promotion of commercial, industrial, agro-industrial, social, educational, cultural and any other activities aimed at the promotion and development of these sectors in Galicia, the professional level of all sectors of economic activity, thus contributing to raising the standard of living of urban and rural IFEVI, through its Governing Bodies, Management and staff, aware of the importance of ensuring the satisfaction of its customers and other interested parties, as well as the proper performance of activities related to the environment, considers necessary the implementation of an Integrated Management System that optimizes the proper control of environmental aspects and impacts and the quality of its services for the leasing of facilities and provision of services for the holding of fairs, congresses and other events.
activities at the fairgrounds.
To cover these aspects, it is committed to developing its Quality and Environmental Policy based on the following principles:

Therefore, the application and CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT of all the Processes that are developed in IFEVI to achieve a High Quality as well as an adequate Environmental Management in all its departments becomes extremely important.
IFEVI's Management is committed to provide all the necessary resources to develop all the works derived from the Quality and Environmental Management System and to ensure the implementation, communication and maintenance of its policies.
The Integrated Quality and Environment Manual is the document that reflects the philosophy and guidelines of the Integrated System implemented and developed through all the processes to which it refers.

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