board of trustees
His Excellency Mr. José González Vázquez
Regional Minister of Employment, Commerce and Emigration
Ms. Ana Ortiz Álvarez
Territorial Delegate of the Xunta de Galicia in Vigo
Mr. José Ramón Lete Lasa
Secretary General for Sport
Mr. Anxo Manuel Lorenzo Suárez
General Director of Culture
Mr. Francisco Menéndez Iglesias
Director of the Galician Agency of Infrastructures
Mr. José Manuel Merelles Remy
Director of the Galician Tourism Agency
Ms. María Elena Suárez Sarmiento
Territorial Director of Mar in Vigo
Ms. Natalia Prieto Viso
General Director of Local Administration
Ms. Marta Mariño Regueiro
General Director of Self-Employment and Social Economy

Mrs. Mª. Mª José Caride Estévez
City Council of Vigo
Ms. Luisa María Sánchez Méndez
Pontevedra Provincial Council

Mr. Jorge A. Cebreiros Arce
City Council of Vigo

Mr. José García Costas
President of the Chamber of Commerce of Pontevedra, Vigo and Vilagarcia de Arousa.

Mr. Carlos López Font
Mancomunidad del Área Intermunicipal de Vigo (Vigo Intermunicipal Area Association)
executive committee
Mr. Gabriel Alén Castro
General Director of Commerce and Consumption
Territorial Delegation of the Xunta de
Galicia in Vigo
General Secretariat for Sport
Mr. Francisco Javier García Martínez
General Direction of Culture
Galician Infrastructure Agency
Managing Director
Mr. Arsenio F. Prieto Martinez
Axencia de Turismo de Galicia
Territorial Directorate of Sea in Vigo
General Directorate of Local Administration
General Directorate of Self-Employment and Social Economy

City Council of Vigo
Pontevedra Provincial Council

Pontevedra Businessmen Confederation

Pontevedra, Vigo and Vilagarcía de Arousa Chamber of Commerce