Author name: systems


Presentation Vigolandia 2024

This morning, took place the presentation of VIGOLANDIA 2024, chaired by Abel Caballero and accompanied by the organization and partners involved in this event. A new edition of this event of the lecer


XII Edition of Car Outlet

The twelfth edition of CarOutlet Vigo, the used and second-hand car show that is traditionally held at the end of the year in the facilities of the IFEVI, is coming to IFEVI.


XXV edition of Conxemar

The celebration of the 25th edition of the Conxemar International Fair will count on a special traffic coordination device that, as a novelty this year, will be extended to the three


XIII edition of Retro Galicia

This morning, Abel Caballero extended a warm welcome to the XIII edition of Retro Galicia. Accompanied by José Enrique Elvira, director of Eventos Motor, and Arsenio Prieto, manager of IFEVI,

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